Informational Material
External Employer - JobX Full Guide PowerPoint
Requesting Access and Account set up - PDF guide
Setting up a Job - Video - PDF guide
Reviewing Applications and Hiring - PDF guide
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I create a job?
Check out this guide - PDF guide
How do I edit job information?
Once your job is approved, you may open the "Action" Drop-down menu and select "Edit Job." Edits will be resubmitted to Student Employment for approval.
How do I hire a student employee?
Check out this guide - PDF guide
How do I hire a student employee with Work-Study funds?
If you are a non-profit organization interested in becoming an Off-Campus Work-Study partner with Boston University, Click here.
How do I terminate a student?
The decision to terminate a student working for an external employer is between the external employer and the student. External Employers do not need to notify Student Employment Office of a students release or termination.