Welcome to the Student Employment Portal



  • Search and apply for jobs
  • Sign up for JobMail notifications about positions that interest you.    
smiling on campus employer.  dark hair.

On-Campus Supervisors

  • Create and post jobs
  • Review applications
  • Hire students
  • Employment guidelines and required documents
image of smiling on campus employer.  dark hair.

Off-Campus Employers

  • Create and post jobs
  • Review applications
  • Non-profit community service employers may submit an application to participate in the Federal Work Study Program


Boston University prohibits discrimination against any individual on the basis of race, color, natural or protective hairstyle, religion, sex, age, national origin, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, military service, pregnancy or pregnancy-related condition, or because of marital, parental, or veteran status. This policy extends to all rights, privileges, programs, and activities, including admissions, financial assistance, educational and athletic programs, housing, employment, compensation, employee benefits, and the providing of, or access to, University services or facilities. Boston University recognizes that non-discrimination does not ensure that equal opportunity is a reality. Accordingly, the University will continue to take affirmative action to achieve equal opportunity through recruitment, outreach, and internal reviews of policies and practices.